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Parent Covenant


“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”  Deuteronomy 6:5-7


A covenant is a personal relationship between two parties who voluntarily enter into making promises to one another. (  Pathways is a covenantal school; we are a body of like-minded individuals and families who believe in and follow Jesus Christ.  Our school is founded on and promotes the principles in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. 


Just as Jesus has entered a covenant with His Bride, the Church, we, at Pathways, desire and strive for the same allegiance with our students and parents.  As a non-denominational school, Pathways is a community where the following pillars are upheld: Scripture alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, and to the Glory of God alone.  Our desire is that these pillars be emulated by all who attend and interact with Pathway so we can communicate the love of Christ to others.  We strive to uphold all the doctrines written in the Word of God, and it is our expectation that each one of our families will do the same.  We, the board and staff at Pathways, ask our families in joining with us to sign our Covenant of Faith as a promise to teach their students, support the board and staff of Pathways, and revere all our Lord says in His Word. 


Please prayerfully read our Statement of Faith.  Know it stems from a desire to please our Lord and Savior first (for the Glory of God alone), and educating our students second. 


Covenant Statement:


Collaboration is a key component of success at Pathways.  As members of the Pathways Homeschool Community, we commit to collaborate  with board and staff to serve and support our children and the educational program of Pathways in the following ways:


  • Partner with Pathways to strive towards the goal of glorifying Christ in all that we do. 

  • Pray regularly for the school program, the teachers and board, and the students.

  • Assume the role of educator during homeschool days, and assure that homework assignments are completed by the given due dates.

  • Provide, oversee and grade the math program for your child/children, if applicable.

  • Document 180 days of school, including summer educational days.

  • Abide by the policies and guidelines of the school.

  • Meet the tuition payments and other financial obligations by the appropriate due dates.

  • Assist with any fundraising activities deemed necessary by the governing school board.

  • Dedicate time and resources as presented in the volunteer opportunities form.

  • Communicate with teachers about student/home concerns that might affect student learning.

  • Support and implement any behavioral, academic or disciplinary action plans deemed necessary by Pathways teachers.

  • Participate in any school activities or events such as  classroom activities, field trips, parent-teacher conferences, school work-days, etc.

  • Use established guidelines and procedures to discuss school-related issues and to solve conflicts according to Matthew 18.

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